Start your journey with a stay in the vibrant city of Lisbon, where you’ll explore its charming neighborhoods and stunning viewpoints. Set sail on the Norwegian Sky and discover the beauty of Portugal’s Oporto, Spain’s picturesque La Coruña and Bilbao, and the French elegance of Bordeaux and La Rochelle. Experience the unique charm of Amsterdam’s canals and Bruges’ medieval streets before concluding your adventure with a stay in the romantic city of Paris. From historic landmarks to breathtaking landscapes, this cruise and city getaway promises a blend of cultural richness and unforgettable moments.
Why book with us:
Above pricing is based on the arrangements listed under the package inclusions only, pricing correct as of 05/09/2024. Flight pricing based on dynamic rates which are subject to change. Package cost based on a flight value up to $2000 per ticket and any cost above this will be passed on to the customer.
1/339 King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Tel (AUS): 1300 854 897
Tel (Int.): +61 8 8311 1196