Embark on an exhilarating voyage through East Asia. From the culinary delights of Osaka to the vibrant markets of Taipei, immerse yourself in rich cultures and breathtaking landscapes at every port. Marvel at the iconic skyline of Hong Kong, uncover the lively spirit of Ho Chi Minh City, and indulge in the modern wonders of Singapore. Join us on an odyssey and immerse yourself in the dynamic heart of Asia!
Prices correct as of 17/10/2024.
*Flight pricing based on dynamic rates which are subject to change. Package cost based on a flight value up to $1200 per ticket and any cost above this will be passed on to the customer (Economy Class).
1/339 King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Tel (AUS): 1300 854 897
Tel (Int.): +61 8 8311 1196