Nestled in the pristine expanse of the Pacific Ocean, Lord Howe Island emerges as a captivating sub-tropical gem. Boasting an unparalleled array of natural wonders, from rugged coastlines to expansive, untouched beaches, the island beckons with its breathtaking diversity. Lord Howe stands out as a premier global destination for diverse experiences. Whether you prefer leisurely strolls along picturesque beaches surrounded by palm and banyan tree forests or seek the thrill of challenging mountain hikes such as the Seven Peaks Walk, providing breathtaking views of the island and the Tasman Sea, there is an adventure suited for every preference.
Above pricing is based on the arrangements listed under package inclusions only. Itinerary is subject to change or substitution. ^Subject to minimum of 10 people to depart, maximum of 16 including host. QantasLink flights include a luggage allowance of 23kg per person.
IMPORTANT NOTE: While every effort will be made to adhere to the schedules outlined in the itinerary, please note all flight times, stops and sights outlined are subject to change, substitution or alteration for reasons of passenger safety and reasons beyond our control.
1/339 King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Tel (AUS): 1300 854 897
Tel (Int.): +61 8 8311 1196